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The European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatricians was founded in 2009 as an evolution and transformation of a previous organization, SEPA/ESAP (Societé Européenne de Pédiatrie
Ambulatoire / European Society of Ambulatory Paediatrics ) that existed for 20 years (1989-2009).
We are a confederation of Primary Pediatric Professional Organizations from countries within the definition of WHO Europe ( ) and represent more than 25.000 primary pediatricians in 19 European countries organized in 23 organizations. Being Primary Care pediatricians means:
  • we care for children and adolescents in the community
  • we are initial contact persons for all undifferentiated unselected concerns of children, adolescents and their families- we are the first contact for a wide range of troubles as acute diseases, chronic diseases, new morbidities and psychosocial concerns
  • we assume care for all children with long terms conditions, in cooperation with special care centers
  • we offer urgent emergency care with rapid referral, if necessary
  • we provide access to the local community, in most European countries, to our ambulatory services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week
  • we offer a wide range of services from newborns to the 18th birthday and support transfer to general practitioners after  the 18th birthday. This applies to many European countries
  • we concentrate on prevention and health promotion and feel responsible for screenings, immunizations and regular health checks for babies
  • we continually undergo training and educational courses in established, evidenced based medicine
  • we are engaged in the prevention and early recognition of child abuse and neglect, and work work in conjunction with local authorities for the safeguard of children
  • we serve as guides for the patients in complicated health systems
  • we work in competent teams in community-based care. We do not work alone, but in systems and teams we engage as coordinators
  • we are good networkers and cooperate with all other professions in the community
  • we give public health advice and provide health education promoting healthy lifestyles
  • we assure and improve the quality of  our services and the performance of our teams continuously
  • we are open-minded to complaints and we take corrective actions if errors happen
Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic our delegates convened  twice a year in different European cities, hosted by one of our member organizations, visited primary care premises, paediatric group practices as well as refugee clinics and learned from fellow colleagues how to improve. We are constantly engaged in the production of statements, research and novel approaches to primary care,  not only in the General Assembly but also in specific several working groups dedicated to research, the drafting of documents concerning primary care training (curriculum, the drafting of entrustable professional activity guidelines, etc.), vaccination, advocacy, prevention and many more.


What is Primary Care Pediatrics ?

Primary Care (PC) Paediatrics is a discipline in medicine that deals comprehensively with the health and well-being of infants, children and adolescents within the context of their families, communities and cultures. PC paediatrics sees infants, children and adolescents as its main subject of care, respecting their autonomy and involving parents, guardians and / or custodians as integral part of the “unit of care”.

In the case of acute or chronic illness, the PC paediatrician uses all health resources at his disposal to ensure that his patient receives the optimal and most appropriate care for a particular problem in the context of his life circumstances. He will guide his patient through the complexities of the national health system, always keeping in mind that infants, children and adolescents must be protected from unnecessary screening, testing and medical treatment.

PC paediatricians act as seismographs of social change (like poverty and lack of educational opportunities) that will have a lasting impact on the health, well-being and the full developmental capabilities of infants, children and adolescents.  They will therefore engage on all social and political levels in child advocacy and educate the public about the requirements of children.

What we want...

  • that all aspects of United Nations children’s rights convention are implemented - especially children’s rights to healthcare independent of race and origin, the right for protection from abuse and neglect, the right to receive health promotion and prevention of avoidable diseases through immunization

  • that other aspects of child rights originating from the United Nations convention such as the right for privacy, informed consent and adequate pain avoidance and reduction are respected in hospitals and ambulatory care

  • that all European states ratify the United Nations children’s rights convention and have an independent children´s rights representative in the parliament

  • that the paediatricians who work in the community and in primary care in many European countries will be maintained and will not be replaced by providers with less specific Training

  • that the accepted and proven components of child services in Europe will be preserved because simple replacement of primary care paediatricians can result in a decrease of service quality and less satisfaction among families

  • that those paediatricians who are trained and experienced for their work in the community will hold the reins as coordinators for health care of children and adolescents and will not be replaced by general practitioners

  • governments should recognize the proven benefits of trained providers in ambulatory paediatrics and should give priority to the children and adolescents

  • governments should care for the preservation and the further development a competent workforce for child care Services

  • everybody who cares for children must have adequate period of training, a sound knowledge of the subject-matter and be proficient

  • community – based care is best delivered by a competent team of providers where the paediatrician should have a coordinating role with public health, social care and education

  • children and adolescents should receive services with the best obtainable quality and not merely average, affordable services, because they are our future!


For any information please contact our general secretary

secretary (at)

11 quai Général Sarrail 

 69006 LYON 


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