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6 Jan 2035
Hallo Christoph
Das ist eine kurze Beschreibung
5 Jan 2035
Attacks on the National Specialized Children's Hospital «Ohmatdyt»
in Kyiv on July 8 2024
The targeted destruction of medical care facilities, particularly of children's hospitals, is completelyunacceptable and a clear crime act against humanity (2). Every attack on a children's hospital is anattack on all of us who care for children, striking at the very core of our shared humanity. Wedemand accountability for these atrocities in the international criminal court. There must be animmediate cessation of violence and full respect for the rights of all children, including the right toshelter, health, education and well-being. The international community must act to safeguardchildren and uphold international law. Pressure should be brought to bear not just on those stateswho repeatedly, deliberately target children but also on their allies via sanctions and other activitiesby the countries of Europe and the European Parliament.The EAP encourages paediatricians and child health professionals of all nationalities to join forcesagainst such inhumane acts. This is not merely an act of war but is a deliberate crime againsthumanity.
1. "Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949".
International Committee of the Red Cross.
2. htt12s://www.un.orgLfil}Lgenocide12revention/crimes-against-humanitv..shtml
10 Jan 2035
Die Rolle des Sports im Bildungssystem
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9 Jan 2035
Schutz der Privatsphäre unserer Kinder
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4 Jan 2035
2023 Lehrplan für die Oberstufe
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7 Jan 2035
Jüngste Renovierungen von Klassenzimmern
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6 Jan 2035
Neues Auditorium in Luanda eröffnet
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